Journal Articles
Conference Proceedings
Book Chapters
Conference Presentations
arXiv Preprints
Ph.D. Thesis
Reviewed Articles
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Journal Articles
Squashed entanglement and approximate private states
Quantum Information Processing, Volume 15, Issue 11, pages 4563--4580, November 2016
Strong converse theorems using Renyi entropies
Felix Leditzky and
Nilanjana Datta
Journal of Mathematical Physics vol. 57, no. 8, page 082202, August 2016
Operational meaning of quantum measures of recovery
Tom Cooney,
Christoph Hirche,
Ciara Morgan,
Jonathan P. Olson,
Kaushik P. Seshadreesan, and
John Watrous
Physical Review A vol. 94, no. 2, page 022310, August 2016
Entropic uncertainty and measurement reversibility
Mario Berta
Stephanie Wehner
New Journal of Physics, vol. 18, no. 7, page 073004, July 2016
Approximate reversibility in the context of entropy gain, information gain, and complete positivity
with Francesco Buscemi and Siddhartha Das
Physical Review A vol. 93, no. 6, page 062314, June 2016
Second-Order Coding Rates for Entanglement-Assisted Communication
with Nilanjana Datta and Marco Tomamichel
Quantum Information Processing, vol. 15, no. 6, pages 2569-2591, June 2016
Quantum data hiding in the presence of noise
Cosmo Lupo and Seth Lloyd
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 6, pages 3745-3756, June 2016
Strong converse exponents for a quantum channel discrimination problem and quantum-feedback-assisted communication
with Tom Cooney and Milan Mosonyi
Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 344, no. 3, pages 797-829, June 2016
Bounds on entanglement distillation and secret key agreement for quantum broadcast channels
Masahiro Takeoka
Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 5, pages 2849-2866, May 2016
Swiveled Renyi entropies
Frederic Dupuis
Quantum Information Processing, vol. 15, no. 3, pages 1309-1345, March 2016
Second-order coding rates for pure-loss bosonic channels
with Joseph M. Renes and Saikat Guha
Quantum Information Processing, vol. 15, no. 3, pages 1289-1308, March 2016
Polar codes in network quantum information theory
with Christoph Hirche and Ciara Morgan
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 2, pages 915-924, February 2016
Quantum Markov chains, sufficiency of quantum channels, and Renyi information measures
with Nilanjana Datta
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 48, no. 50, page 505301, November 2015
Monotonicity of quantum relative entropy and recoverability
with Mario Berta and Marius Lemm
Quantum Information and Computation vol. 15, no. 15 & 16, pages 1333-1354, November 2015
Fidelity of recovery, geometric squashed entanglement,
and measurement recoverability
with Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
Physical Review A vol. 92, page 042321, October 2015
Recoverability in quantum information theory
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 471, no. 2182, page 20150338 October 2015
Renyi squashed entanglement, discord, and relative entropy differences
with Mario Berta and Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 48, article no. 395303, September 2015
Multipartite quantum correlations and local recoverability
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 471, no. 2177, May 2015
Strong converse for the classical capacity of optical quantum communication channels
with Bhaskar Roy Bardhan, Raul Garcia-Patron, and Andreas Winter
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 61, no. 4, pages 1842-1850, April 2015
Quantum interactive proofs and the complexity of separability testing
Gus Gutoski,
Patrick Hayden, and
Kevin Milner
of Computing vol. 11, article 3, pages 59-103, March 2015
Multiplicativity of completely bounded p-norms implies a strong converse for entanglement-assisted capacity
Manish K. Gupta
Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 334, no. 2, pages 867-887, March 2015
Renyi generalizations
of quantum information measures
with Mario Berta and Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
Physical Review A vol. 91, no. 2, page 022333, February 2015
Renyi generalizations of the conditional quantum mutual information
with Mario Berta and Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
Journal of
Mathematical Physics vol. 56, no. 2, article no. 022205, February 2015
Preserving Information from the Beginning to the End of Time in a Robertson-Walker Universe
with Roberto Pierini and Stefano Mancini
New Journal
of Physics, vol. 16, page 123049, December 2014
Identifying the information gain of a quantum measurement
with Mario Berta and Joseph M. Renes
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 12, pages 7987-8006, December 2014
Fundamental rate-loss tradeoff for optical quantum key distribution
with Masahiro Takeoka and
Saikat Guha
Communications vol. 5, article no. 5235, October 2014
Strong converse for the classical capacity of entanglement-breaking and Hadamard channels
via a sandwiched Renyi relative entropy
with Andreas Winter and
Dong Yang
Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 331, no. 2, pages 593-622, October 2014.
Robust quantum data locking from phase modulation
with Cosmo Lupo and Seth Lloyd
Physical Review A
vol. 90, no. 2, page 022326, August 2014
The squashed entanglement of a quantum channel
with Masahiro Takeoka and
Saikat Guha
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 60, no. 8, pages 4987-4998, August 2014.
Polar codes for private and quantum communication over arbitrary channels
with Joseph M. Renes
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 6, pages 3090-3103, June 2014.
Strong converse for the classical capacity of the pure-loss bosonic channel
with Andreas Winter
Problems of Information Transmission vol. 50, no. 2, pages 117-132, April 2014.
Dualities and Identities for Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Codes
with Ching-Yi Lai and Todd A. Brun
Quantum Information Processing, vol. 13, no. 4, pages 957-990, April 2014.
Noise and disturbance in quantum measurements: an information-theoretic approach
Francesco Buscemi,
Michael J. W. Hall, and
Masanao Ozawa
Physical Review Letters vol. 112, page 050401, February 2014.
Entanglement-assisted quantum turbo codes
with Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Zunaira Babar
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 60, no. 2, pages 1203-1222, February 2014.
Strong converse rates for classical communication over thermal and additive noise bosonic channels
with Bhaskar Roy Bardhan
Physical Review A vol. 89, page 022302, February 2014.
Quantum enigma machines and the locking capacity of a quantum channel
Saikat Guha, Patrick Hayden, Hari Krovi, Seth Lloyd, Cosmo Lupo, Jeffrey H. Shapiro,
and Masahiro Takeoka
Physical Review X vol. 4, no. 1, page 011016, January 2014.
Quantum state cloning using Deutschian closed timelike curves
Todd Brun
Andreas Winter
Physical Review Letters vol. 111, no. 19, page 190401, November 2013.
Quantum rate distortion coding with auxiliary resources
with Nilanjana Datta, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, and
Andreas Winter
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 59, no. 10, pages 6755-6773, October 2013.
Recursive quantum convolutional encoders are catastrophic: A simple proof
with Monireh Houshmand
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 59, no. 10, pages 6724-6731, October 2013.
Sequential decoding of a general classical-quantum channel
Proceedings of the Royal Society A vol. 469, no. 2157, page
20130259, September 2013.
Polar codes for degradable quantum channels
with Saikat Guha
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 59, no. 7, pages 4718-4729, July 2013.
Duality in Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Error Correction
with Ching-Yi Lai and Todd A. Brun
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 59, no. 6, pages 4020-4024, June 2013.
Towards efficient decoding of classical-quantum polar codes
with Olivier Landon-Cardinal and
Patrick Hayden
Proceedings of the 8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation,
Communication, and Cryptography, vol. 22, pages 157-177, May 2013.
Quantum-to-classical rate distortion coding
with Nilanjana Datta, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, and
Andreas Winter
Journal of Mathematical Physics vol. 54,
no. 4, page 042201, April 2013.
Polar codes for classical-quantum channels
with Saikat Guha
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 59, no. 2, pages 1175-1187, February 2013.
Minimal-memory, non-catastrophic, polynomial-depth quantum convolutional encoders
with Monireh Houshmand and Saied Hosseini-Khayat
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 59, no. 2, pages 1198-1210, February 2013.
Stochastic resonance in Gaussian quantum channels
with Cosmo Lupo and Stefano Mancini
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 46, no. 4, page 045306, February 2013.
Quantum rate distortion, reverse Shannon theorems, and source-channel separation
with Nilanjana Datta and Min-Hsiu Hsieh
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 59, no. 1, pages 615-630, January 2013.
Sequential, successive, and simultaneous decoders for entanglement-assisted classical communication
with Shen Chen Xu
Quantum Information Processing vol. 12, no. 1, pages 641-683, January 2013.
Quantum trade-off coding for bosonic communication
with Patrick Hayden and
Saikat Guha
Physical Review A 86, 062306, December 2012.
The quantum dynamic capacity formula of a quantum channel
with Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Quantum Information Processing vol. 11, no. 6, pages 1431-1463, December 2012.
Public and private resource trade-offs for a quantum channel
with Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Quantum Information Processing vol. 11, no. 6, pages 1465-1501, December 2012.
The information-theoretic costs of simulating quantum measurements
with Patrick Hayden, Francesco Buscemi, and Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45, no. 45, pp. 453001, November 2012.
Quantum discord and classical correlation can tighten the uncertainty principle in the presence of quantum memory
with Arun Kumar Pati,
Attipat Rajagopal,
Usha Devi,
Physical Review A 86, 042105, October 2012.
Joint source-channel coding for a quantum multiple access channel
with Ivan Savov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45, no. 43, 435302, October 2012.
Classical communication over a quantum interference channel
with Omar Fawzi,
Patrick Hayden,
Pranab Sen, and
Ivan Savov
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 3670-3691, June 2012.
Information Trade-Offs for Optical Quantum Communication
with Patrick Hayden and
Saikat Guha
Physical Review Letters vol. 108, no. 14, 140501, April 2012.
Perfect state distinguishability and computational speedups with postselected closed timelike curves
with Todd A. Brun
Foundations of Physics vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 341-361, March 2012.
Minimal memory requirements for pearl necklace encoders of quantum convolutional codes
with Monireh Houshmand and Saied Hosseini-Khayat
IEEE Transactions on Computers vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 299-312, March 2012.
Addressing the clumsiness loophole in a Leggett-Garg test of macrorealism
with Ari Mizel
Foundations of Physics vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 256-265, February 2012.
Identifying the quantum correlations in light-harvesting complexes
with Kamil Bradler, Sai Vinjanampathy, and Dmitry Uskov
Physical Review A 82, 062310, December 2010.
Quantum Convolutional Coding with Shared Entanglement: General Structure
with Todd A. Brun
Quantum Information Processing, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 509-540, October 2010.
Nonlocal quantum information in bipartite quantum error correction
with David Fattal
Quantum Information Processing, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 591-610, October 2010.
Trading classical communication, quantum communication, and entanglement in quantum Shannon theory
with Min-Hsiu Hsieh
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 4705-4730, September 2010.
Entanglement-assisted communication of classical and quantum information
with Min-Hsiu Hsieh
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 4682-4704, September 2010.
Leggett-Garg inequalities and the geometry of the cut polytope
with David Avis
and Patrick Hayden
Physical Review A 82, 030102, September 2010.
Trade-off capacities of the quantum Hadamard channels
with Kamil Bradler,
Patrick Hayden, and
Dave Touchette
Physical Review A 81, 062312, June 2010.
Could light harvesting complexes exhibit non-classical effects at room temperature?
with James M. McCracken and Ari Mizel
Proceedings of the Royal Society A vol. 466, no. 2117, pp. 1347-1363, May 2010.
Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Convolutional Coding
with Todd A. Brun
Physical Review A
81, 042333, April 2010.
Quantum Forbidden-Interval Theorems for Stochastic Resonance
with Bart Kosko
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42, 465309, November 2009.
Public and private communication with a quantum channel and a secret key
with Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Physical Review A 80, 022306, August 2009.
Can Classical Noise Enhance Quantum Transmission?
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42, 325301, August 2009.
Quantum-shift-register circuits
Physical Review A 79, 062325, June 2009.
On the logical operators of quantum codes
Physical Review A 79, 062322, June 2009.
Protecting Quantum Information with Entanglement and Noisy Optical Modes
with Todd A. Brun
Quantum Information Processing 8, pp. 401-413, October 2009.
Closed timelike curves enable perfect state distinguishability
with Todd A. Brun and Jim Harrington
Physical Review Letters 102, 210402, May 2009.
Extra Shared Entanglement Reduces Memory Demand in Quantum Convolutional Coding
with Todd A. Brun
Physical Review A 79, 032313, March 2009.
Linear-Optical Hyperentanglement-Assisted Quantum Error-Correcting Code
with Dmitry B. Uskov
Physical Review A 79, 022305, February 2009.
Encoding One Logical Qubit Into Six Physical Qubits
with Bilal Shaw, Ognyan Oreshkov, Isaac Kremsky, and Daniel A. Lidar
Physical Review A 78, 012337, July 2008.
Optimal Entanglement Formulas for Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Coding
with Todd A. Brun
Physical Review A 77, 064302, June 2008.
Coherent Communication with Linear Optics
with Todd A. Brun, Jonathan P. Dowling, and Hwang Lee
Physical Review A 77, 022321, February 2008.
Last modified: January 04, 2017.