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Fields: Gravity, Electricity, and Magnetism—PHYS 2113
Section 6: Tues. Thurs. 12pm-1:20pm in Nicholson 119
Office hours: Wed. 2pm-3pm, Thurs. 1:30pm-2:30pm in Nicholson 447 (please email before coming)
Course SyllabusTextbook: Fundamentals of Physics, by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, 10th edition (Wiley).
Homework: A homework assignment will be assigned each week using WileyPlus www.WileyPlus.com. The course ID is 531885. (See flyer for detailed instructions.) If you previously purchased a WileyPlus access code for this edition of the textbook, it should work this semester with no additional fee. Homework will typically be due on Tuesdays at 5:00pm. WileyPlus is a very stable system, but on rare times there can be glitches. Do not procrastinate. Extensions will not be granted on homework assignments, but you can complete the assignment anytime after the due date for half credit. You are encouraged to work together with other students on homework, but the work you submit should be your own. It is most important that you understand the homework, given that it will appear on quizzes and exams. The homework will be divided into two parts: problems and multiple choice concept questions. For the problems, which require a numeric or symbolic answer, you have 12 attempts for full credit. For the concept questions, you only have one chance to answer for full credit, but you have a second chance for half credit.
Tutoring: Free physics tutoring is offered in Nicholson 102 and Middleton 141. The hours are posted here. Up to 900 minutes of free online tutoring offered here through your PAWS account. Private tutors (not free) can be found here. Academic Center for Student-Athletes, Student Learning Program and free tutoring in Tutorial Center.
Mid-term exams: Exam I: 6:00-7:00PM WED 21 SEP 2016 Exam II: 6:00-7:00PM WED 12 OCT 2016 Exam III: 6:00-7:00PM WED 9 NOV 2016
Calculators: During your test, the only electronic device you may have with you at your seat is a scientific or graphing calculator. You may not use the calculator app on your smartphone or tablet. You may not have your cell phone, tablet, smartphone, PDA, pager, digital camera, computer, or any other device capable of taking pictures or video, sending text messages, or accessing the Internet. This means not just on your person, but also not close enough to you that you could reach it during the test. Any student found with such a device during an exam will be assumed to be violating the LSU Honor Code and will be referred to the Dean of Students for Judicial Affairs. In addition the device will be confiscated.
Final Exam: 3-5PM MON 05 DEC 2016
Grading: Midterms - 16 points each (for 48 points total) Final Exam - 32 points Homework - 14 points In Class Quizzes - 6 points Total: 100 points Your numerical grade will be the total number of points you obtain. Given your numerical grade, your letter grade will be at least the following: 97-100 A+, 93-96.9 A, 90-92.9 A-, 85-89.9 B+, 80-84.9 B, 75-79.9 B-, 70-74.9 C+, 65-69.9 C, 60-64.9 C-, 55-59.9 D+, 50-54.9 D, 45-49.9 D-
Exam Solutions
Practice for Exams
- Practice Exam 1
- Practice Exam 1 Solutions
- Formula sheet for Exam 1
- Practice Exam 2
- Practice Exam 2 Solutions
- Formula sheet for Exam 2
- Practice Exam 3
- Practice Exam 3 Solutions
- Formula sheet for Exam 3
- radiation pressure
- polarization of light
- energy transport by EM waves
- Poynting vector
- intensity
- electromagnetic waves
- Maxwell's equations in free space
- Maxwell's equations
- spin angular momentum and orbital angular momentum
- diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism
- Gauss' law for magnetic fields
- Maxwell's law of induction
- RLC circuits
- damping
- AC generators, resistors, inductors, and capacitors
- LC circuits
- comparison with mass on a spring
- time-varying current and charge in an LC circuit
- inductors and inductance
- RL circuits
- review of Faraday's law of induction
- induction and energy transfer
- changing magnetic field induces an electric field
- induction (motivating experiments)
- Faraday's law of induction
- solenoids and toroids
- current carrying coil behaves like a magnetic dipole
- review of two right-hand rules
- force between 2 parallel currents
- Gauss' law for magnetism
- Ampere's law
- magnetic field induced by a moving charge
- Biot-Savart law (magnetic field induced by a current carrying wire)
- calculating the induced magnetic field by applying Biot-Savart law and principle of superposition
- Lorentz force law rewritten in terms of current and length vector
- force on a curved current carrying wire
- torque on a current loop
- Hall effect (magnetic field and current induce an electric field)
- circulating charged particles
- magnetic fields
- bar magnets
- Lorentz force law
- equivalent circuits
- ammeters and voltmeters
- RC circuits and time constants
- EMF devices (batteries)
- Kirchhoff voltage / current laws
- internal resistance of batteries and power of unideal batteries
- resistors in series and parallel
- electric power in circuits
- review for midterm 2
- resistance and resistivity
- calculating resistance from resistivity and geometry
- electric current
- Kirchhoff current law
- current as the flux of current density
- capacitors in parallel and series
- simplifying networks of capacitors
- energy stored in a capacitor
- dielectric material
- capacitors and definition of capacitance
- parallel plate capacitors
- charging a capacitor
- calculating capacitance for various geometries
- electric potential due to a line of charge
- electric potential due to a charged disk
- calculating electric field from electric potential
- potential energy of a system of charges
- electric potential in a conductor
- electric potential difference and independence of path
- electric potential due to many charges
- electric potential
- examples with electric potential
- Gauss' law and conductors
- Gauss' law, lines of charge, sheets of charge
- Gauss' law
- examples including Gauss' law
- deriving Gauss' law from Coulomb's law
- notion of flux (analogy with air flow and windows)
- electric flux
- surface integral for electric flux
- using calculus to calculate electric field
- electric field due to a ring of charge
- electric field due to a disk of charge
- torque and potential energy of electric dipole in a uniform electric field
- electric dipoles and electric dipole moment vector
- electric field due to continuous charge distributions
- example: calculating electric field due to a line of charge
- electric field
- electric field lines
- dipoles
- review of Coulomb's law
- examples with Coulomb's law
- quantization of electric charge
- conservation of electric charge
- electric charge
- properties of electrically charged materials
- Coulomb's law for electrostatic force
- principle of superposition, shell theorem for electric force
- escape speed
- Kepler's three laws of planetary motion and relation to Newton's law of universal gravitation
- satellites, orbits, and energy
- gravitation inside the Earth
- gravitational potential energy
- gravitational potential
- Introduction to course
- Newton's law of universal gravitation
- Principle of superposition
- Newton's shell theorem
- gravitation near Earth's surface
- gravitational field
Cylindrical and Planar Symmetry
Professor Jonathan P. Dowling's PHYS 2113 Powerpoint lectures
Last modified: December 02, 2016.